The CNCFA EPSILON Observatory on SME Transmission was founded in 2010 by EPSILON RESEARCH and the CNCFA (Compagnie Nationale des Conseils en Fusions et Acquisitions).
Its mission: give information and analysis on the evolution of the SME transmissions market in France (and Europe), for both professionnal players and public institutions.
Market followed:
- SME transmissions, both external (mergers & acquisitions) and internal (family / management)
- Small and Medium sized Enterprises as defined by the European Commission (20-249 employees / €2m-€50m turnover) - excluding micro-enterprises and very small enterprises (< 19 employees / €2m turnover)
- in France, with a comparison with key European countries
A yearly Barometer is published on the subject (in French)
> Publication of the 2023 Barometer and presentation in December 2023